Find rest in our community of gospel-centered female business owners
We would love to have you come join your friend in our vibrant community of Christian business women who are seeking to glorify Jesus in their lives and businesses. Here's what some of our main rhythms look like as a group...
Voxer App
This is where we hang out on a daily basis and send voice clips like a group message. It's like a virtual coffee shop where everyone is visiting, praying for one another, and asking questions!
Monthly Zoom Meeting
We have a monthly zoom call to learn about a specific topic together, as well as get face-to-face time with each other.
Monday Morning Virtual Co-Working
Jump on our zoom call every Monday morning to enjoy some work time with like-minded women, and have a little accountability at the start of the week to dig into work projects!

"It’s so thrilling to have the Voca Society shortcut right on the home screen of my phone. Every time I visit the group, I walk away feeling encouraged to have spent a few minutes in the company of other business-owning sisters in Christ who are seeking the Lord as hungrily as I am. I think that’s what I love about the Voca Society the most. I can get content about business growth and strategy anywhere. But this group, with Rachel at the lead, is so sincerely set apart to Christ."
Shelby Shepherd,
Co-Owner of the Evergreen Planner

Come Join Your Friend in the Voca Society!

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Access to an exclusive community of like-minded Christian female entrepreneurs​
We encourage self-promotion in the group in a way that serves our members and helps you get more sales!
Encouragement and gentle accountability to make progress on your business goals
Monthly themed discussions and group education on the skills and applied theology you need for a strong business
Access to a rich community of skilled business women to ask questions of, and network with!
Easy Cancelation Anytime
Frequently Asked Questions
What do you mean by Gospel Community?
As Christians, we want everything we do in our life to be done in light of the truth of the gospel. The gospel informs how we do business, treat people, prioritize, and so much more! A gospel community is a group of people who are like-minded in applying the gospel to their lives and committed to doing that together.
When was The Voca Society started?
We became a community in the fall of 2021.
I have more questions...
Of course! I'd love to answer any questions you have. Feel free to set up a video chat with me here and we can discuss your story, your business, and if The Voca Society is right for you!
Are there different membership options?
No. Currently, we have only one membership tier.
How can I join?
Just click this link here to submit an application!
What exactly is the Voca Society?
The Voca Society is a community! To join, you need to become a member. Once you are approved, I will add you to the places where we interact, like Tribe and Voxer.
Can I cancel if it's not for me?
Of course! You can cancel easily at anytime by logging into your account and canceling. Or you can write to me at rachel@vocasociety.com, and I will cancel your subscription.

"The Voca Society is exactly what I needed! It has connected me with women who live similar lifestyles as me...which is so fun and exciting! We have become fast friends and share resources, insights, encouragement, and just the little things of life.
Being part of the Voca community has consistently fixed my eyes on my business. I am daily encouraged to dig deep and discover where God is wanting to take me with my business. I'm so thankful that I chose to step out and join Voca!"
Bailey Lemke,
Wells of Ink Calligraphy