statement of faith
Jesus Christ is both fully God and fully man. His life, death, and resurrection are the hope of every Christian. A Christian is someone who hopes in the work of Jesus Christ alone for their salvation before God through grace. We believe the testimony of the Bible as God's perfect and true Word and believe its testimony of Jesus and everything else it testifies of. There is only one God, with three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Each person is fully God and co-equal with one another. This has been known through ages of faithful Christians as the Trinity.
God created the world and people for His glory and the good of all creation. He made man in His own image, both male and female. Both have massive intrinsic value and worth, bestowed upon them by God’s creative power. Every person, regardless of beliefs, gender, or ethnicity is valuable in the sight of God and those who honor Him. Male and female are God-given, irrevocable distinctions given for our good.
While man was created good, through the sin of Adam we now have a sin nature. We have each sinned and are guilty of eternal consequences. The Father in His love and grace, sent Jesus to live the life of a sinless man, and through His death, Jesus paid the penalty of sin that we deserved to pay, bearing God’s wrath against evil. Jesus physically rose again from the dead on the third day after His death. Nothing we do can earn what Jesus has accomplished on our behalf.
God has called believers to gather into local churches, which may or may not be organized with other local churches. These churches are to carry out His mission in the world of living and telling the Gospel, being an example of humility and holiness, and be communities that honor and worship God together. These churches are to remember the death of Jesus regularly through bread and wine, and to baptize disciples to Jesus. Christians are being remade to be more like Jesus, and we will be like Jesus when we see Him.
Jesus is returning to earth for His people at some point in the future. We wait and hope in His return.
community guidelines
don't be spammy
Give more than you take to this group. We encourage self-promotion, but only in a way that benefits our members even if they don't purchase from you. Sharing freebies, templates, free samples, etc. are welcomed.
don't be a bully
Make sure everyone feels safe. Bullying of any kind isn't allowed, and degrading comments about things like race, doctrine, or culture will not be tolerated.
be Kind
We're all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Let's treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required.
Gospel fidelity
Our unity as a group comes from our unity around the gospel. This group is only going to be a good fit for you if you agree to allow the gospel to inform how you interact with others in the group and abide by the Statememnt of Faith.