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 I don't want you to build your business   exhausted, Overwhelmed, and cut off. 

 Hey Girl, 

Find rest in our community of gospel-driven female business owners

(There may also be coffee!)


Hustle -> Burnout -> Self-Care ->
Hustle -> Burnout -> Self-Care

This is how a lot of female entrepreneurs operate. They pour themselves into their businesses and end up burning out. 


That lifestyle isn’t sustainable. Especially for Christian women. You’re diligently working to build your business and trying to live a well-rounded life that exalts Christ. (No wonder you’re so tired!) 


A “You Got This!” isn’t going to cut it – No matter how nice it is to hear. You need a gospel-centered community filled with women who will walk this season with you. Encouraging you in your business, all while pointing you to Christ. 


"The Voca Society is exactly what I needed! It has connected me with women who live similar lifestyles as me...which is so fun and exciting! We have become fast friends and share resources, insights, encouragement, and just the little things of life.


Being part of the Voca community has consistently fixed my eyes on my business. I am daily encouraged to dig deep and discover where God is wanting to take me with my business. I'm so thankful that I chose to step out and join Voca!"

Bailey Lemke,
Wells of Ink Calligraphy


"The Voca Society has been a huge help to me to stay motivated. Having a small side business and a regular day job too, it's easy to let things fall into "maintenance mode" and not keep pressing forward on plans and projects that will help my clients and myself. The daily advice and encouragement has helped keep my business at the front of my mind."

Anna Scovel,
Web Designer


It's time to build your business on a solid foundation.

The world says, "Your success is directly measured by how well your business does."

The gospel tells us that God gives us success because of His generosity and grace. It is not earned.

Thinking that the future of your business defines you as a person is toxic. It can leave you feeling discouraged and depressed. While we do work hard to grow our businesses, their success is given by God's grace alone. Freeing isn't it?

The world asks you to "find your why and use that to stay motivated and on track

The gospel tells us to look to Christ.

Having a reason why you started your business isn't a bad thing. It's just not enough of a motivator unless you make it your ultimate goal. Making your why an idol creates a lot of problems. When we idolize something other than Christ, we are putting our hope in something that can only let us down. And when it fails us (because it will fail us) we are left feeling empty.

The world tells you, "You're a strong, independent woman who can do it all herself."

The gospel tells us that we are sheep in need of a Shepherd. Nothing is done apart from God.

Just because you feel like you can do it all yourself, doesn't mean you should. Lift yourself onto a pedestal and look in the mirror. You'll see the world staring back with empty motivational quotes and a pat on the back.

"I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever abides in me, and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing."
John 15:5

What if you had community instead of isolation and competition?

That's exactly what we are doing at The Voca Society!

  • Creating a community of like-minded, gospel-oriented female entrepreneurs

  • Creating a safe environment for women to grow both in their business and their walk with Christ

  • Providing support and community no matter what stage of business you're in


hey there!

I'm Rachel

I've created The Voca Society because I understand how lonely it can be for female entrepreneurs. Constantly bombarded with what the world things we should be doing and telling ourselves. I wanted a space where Christian women could encourage each other both in business and in Christ. 

How does the Voca Society Work?

Voca MockUp.png
A community for Christian women who want to experience a gospel-centered culture of female entrepreneurship.

Voca Society members communicate mainly through Voxer. Think of this as our virtual coffee shop. Everyone's in and out, relaxed, and having a great time! Tribe is our other communication platform, which we mainly use for content-heavy posts and questions. It's like social media without all the drama.


Once a month, we have a zoom call that focuses on a specific topic. We'll talk through goals, business finances, you name it! Business-oriented and grounded in the gospel. Pull up a chair, grab a cup of coffee, and let's chat!

See what topics we have planned...


Every Monday the Voca ladies start their week off right. Virtual co-working! Let's get to work, or let us know what's on your heart. This is a sweet time of community and every week looks different.


"It’s so thrilling to have the Voca Society shortcut right on the home screen of my phone. Every time I visit the group, I walk away feeling encouraged to have spent a few minutes in the company of other business-owning sisters in Christ who are seeking the Lord as hungrily as I am. I think that’s what I love about the Voca Society the most. I can get content about business growth and strategy anywhere. But this group, with Rachel at the lead, is so sincerely set apart to Christ."

Shelby Shepherd,
Co-Owner of the Evergreen Planner


Is the Voca Society for me?

  • Theologically Grounded Women
    If you are a Christian woman who is serious about applying your faith to all areas of your life, and you agree with our Statement of Faith, then this group is for you! We aren't just a business group. We are a group of women who want to explore together how to apply our Christianity to every aspect of life together.


  • Who Are Interested or Established in Entrepreneurship
    Are you curious about entrepreneurship, but not sure where to start? Or maybe you have started... again and again but you keep getting stuck! Our community is a wealth of knowledge from women who have successfully started and run quality businesses that can help you along as you determine if entrepreneurship is right for you, or as you grow your business!


  • Longing for Encouragement and Community
    You are STOKED to be part of a community of like-minded women, and will follow the Community Guidelines' rules of conduct.

You've made it this far!

Seems like you're tracking with what we are doing here,
and we'd love to have you join us!




/ mo.

  • Access to an exclusive community of like-minded Christian female entrepreneurs​


  • We encourage self-promotion in the group in a way that serves our members and helps you get more sales!


  • Encouragement and gentle accountability to make progress on your business goals 

  • Monthly themed discussions and group education on the skills and applied theology you need for a strong business

  • Access to a rich community of skilled business women to ask questions of, and network with!

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you mean by Gospel Community?

As Christians, we want everything we do in our life to be done in light of the truth of the gospel. The gospel informs how we do business, treat people, prioritize, and so much more! A gospel community is a group of people who are like-minded in applying the gospel to their lives and committed to doing that together.

When was The Voca Society started?

We became a community in the fall of 2021.

Can I cancel if it's not for me?

Of course! You can cancel easily at anytime by writing to me at to let me know, and I will cancel your subscription.

Are there different membership options? 

No. Currently, we have only one membership tier.

How can I join?

Just click this link here to submit an application!

What exactly is the Voca Society?

The Voca Society is a community! To join, you need to become a member. Once you are approved, I will add you to the places where we interact, like Tribe and Voxer. 

I have more questions...

Of course! I'd love to answer any questions you have. Feel free to set up a video chat with me here and we can discuss your story, your business, and if The Voca Society is right for you!

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